New Dog

Meet Freya, an abandoned Shephard that is roughly around a year old. 20180128_122708.jpgShe was found as a stray by animal control in a town an hour from my house. The animal control officer found her in October of 2017. I contacted them about meeting her in late January of 2018 (this year). She does have some problems but not anything that can’t be trained and shaped. An example of one of her problems is jumping. She really loves to jump and Zoey likes to look out the living room windows as well as my bedroom windows. Zoey taught Freya how to jump on the back of the couch and look out the windows I take the other dogs to the bathroom. Freya jumped on the window, and with the cold making them brittle and age, it broke. Freya was okay but the window now has tape and plastic. The officers with animal control where confused why anyone wouldn’t be looking for her. She wasn’t abused as far as they could tell was what they told me and I don’t think she was either. She is a happy dog, just a little rambunctious but she is so young its to be expected. Shephards, the breed is also an active breed. I don’t know a whole lot of whats in store for the pack with her as our newest addition but we will hang on for the ride and update you as we go. (Can you tell from the picture, that she’s a goofball?)

She loves to wrestle with Odhinn. Zoey and Freya love to play together too. The difference between them is that Zoey plays very loudly and rough. Freya also makes a bit of noise when playing also. My mom gets freaked out when they play because it sounds like they are trying to kill each other and they bite at each other making it quite a site to see.

When we first brought her home she didn’t eat much. Then she got diarrhea. So now she has a solid stool, we can make potty training more effective. She has been okay on her leash manners. She is also very eager to learn and seems to listen when she realizes that you’re talking and trying to communicate with her.

She has a problem with door dashing. If you have ever had a dog with this issue then you know what kind of dangers this comes with. I live off a heavily trafficked road behind the house about 10 or so yards. We will be working on this first and foremost, as often as I can. We already started and she is getting better, but it still needs work.

Her jumping is a work in progress as well. Learning to stand on the back of the couch and not pounce on windows is another lesson we are learning, and so far she is very responsive.


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